This area is for general military style webbing information including specs and color examples.
Lowy USA has a great webbing type and color selection including some of the harder to find webbings such as scuba and seatbelt types. The Coyote 43668 1" was a bit saturated/golden, but overall good stuff.
DIY Tactical webbing examples: They even carry the hard to find Ranger Green. Great place for small/medium webbing orders. <>
Thanks to Gerald Schwartz INC accommodating me with a sample pack, I have a good batch of raw mil materials to show some of the great products they carry. If you like what you see check out:
Things worth noting include: Coyote is more of a darker tan so M Coyote is what most people consider "Coyote."
MIL-W-43668: <43668C PDF>
(43668 is the webbing at bottom)
This is the common webbing used for PALS / MOLLE webbing. According to a new document this will be replaced by spec: A-A-55301 <55301 PDF>
Basic Specs:
Type I | 2-1/4" | 0.135 - 0.150 | - ? - |
Type II | 1-1/4" | 0.075 | 2000 lbs |
Type III | 1" | 0.046 | 1000 lbs |
Type IV | 3/4" | 0.055-0.070 | 875 lbs |
Type V | 5/8" | 0.038-0.050 | 625 lbs |
MIL-W-17337: <17337F PDF>
Intended use is declared for life preservers, rucksacks, and similar equipment. Basically a good thin and flexible webbing for making gear
Basic Specs:
1" | .038 - .050 | 1200 lbs |
1-1/2" | .038 - .050 | 1800 lbs |
2" | .038 - .050 | 2200 lbs |
3" | .038 - .050 | 3200 lbs |
MIL-T-5038: aka PIA-T-5038: <5038H PDF>
(5038 is the webbing at top)
Known as a common binding tape for mil and para gear. Just in case you have no idea what binding tape is used for, it is to finish / protect raw edges of fabric / material. This webbing is produced in 5 types and 3 classes:
Type II - Tape, herringbone twill weave
Type III - Tape, Plain weave
Type IV - Webbing, Double plain weave
Type V - Tape, Herringbone twill weave
Type VI - Tape, Herringbone twill weave
Class 1 - Critical use (shuttle loom, nylon 6,6)
Class 1A - Critical use (shuttleless loom, nylon 6,6)
Class 2 - Non-critical use (shuttle or shuttles loom nylon 6 or nylon 6,6)
Basic Specs:
Type II | 1" | .025-.035 | 900 lbs |
Type II | 1-1/2" | .025-.035 | 1300 lbs |
Type II | 2" | .025-.035 | 1700 lbs |
Type III | 3/8" | .015-.025 | 200 lbs |
Type III | 1/2" | .015-.025 | 250 lbs |
Type III | 3/4" | .015-.025 | 400 lbs |
Type III | 1" | .015-.025 | 525 lbs |
Type III | 1-1/2" | .015-.025 | 525 lbs |
Type IV | 1/2" | .030-.040 | 550 lbs |
Type IV | 5/8" | .030-.040 | 625 lbs |
Type IV | 1" | .030-.040 | 1000 lbs |
Type IV | 1-1/8" | .030-.040 | 1100 lbs |
Type IV | 1-1/2" | .030-.040 | 1500 lbs |
Type V | 9/16" | .020-.030 | 500 lbs |
Type VI | 3/4" | .020-.030 | 425 lbs |
MIL-W-4088: <4088k PDF>
(More samples below chart)
Extremely varied webbing due to the many type styles. Can go from very thin and flexible to near scuba-belt thickness and stiffness. Classes 1 and 1a are considered critical use while Class 2 is non-critical. Intended use declares: for use in parachutes and their accessories, tow target reinforcement, safety belts, bomb hoists and slings, tie down equipment, and overrun barriers. Type XXVII is for aeronautical safety equipment. Type XXVIII is for "the cover, water canteen, 2-quart collapsible." Types VIIIb and VIIIc are used for load carrying equipment.
Basic Specs Class 1:
Type I | 9/16" | .025"-.040" | 500 lbs | |
Type Ia | 3/4" | .025"-.035" | 600 lbs | |
Type II | 1" | .025"-.040" | 600 lbs | |
Type III | 1-1/4" | .025"-.040" | 800 lbs | |
Type IV | 3" | .025"-.040" | 1800 lbs | |
Type VI | 1-23/32" | .030"-.050" | 2500 lbs | Red at middle |
Type VII | 1-23/32" | .060"-.100" | 6000 lbs | yellow at edges |
Type VIII | 1-23/32" | .040"-.070" | 4000 lbs | black at middle |
Type VIIIa | 3" | .040"-.070" | 6300 lbs | |
Type VIIIb | 2" | .040"-.070" | 4500 lbs | |
Type VIIIc | 2-1/4" | .040"-.070" | 5300 lbs | |
Type IX | 3" | .065"-.100" | 9000 lbs | |
Type X | 1-23/32" | .105"-.140" | 9500 lbs | |
Type XII | 1-23/32" | .025"-.040" | 1200 lbs | red at sides |
Type XIII | 1-23/32" | .080"-.120" | 7000 lbs | black at sides |
Type XIV | 1/2" | .070"-.100" | 1200 lbs | |
Type XV | 2" | .035"-.050" | 1500 lbs | |
Type XVI | 1-23/32" | .045"-.080" | 4500 lbs | |
Type XVII | 1" | .045"-.070" | 2500 lbs | |
Type XVIII | 1" | .100"-.160" | 6000 lbs | |
Type XIX | 1-3/4" | .100"-.130" | 1000 lbs | Green at center |
Type XX | 1" | .170"-.210" | 9000 lbs | |
Type XXI | 1-3/4" | .065"-.085" | 3600 lbs | |
Type XXII | 1-23/32" | .090"-.120" | 9500 lbs | black at both |
Type XXIII | 1-1/8" | .200"-.300" | 12000 lbs | |
Type XXIV | 1-15/16" | .055"-.075" | 5500 lbs | |
Type XXV | 1" | .080"-.125" | 4500 lbs | |
Type XXVI | 1-3/4" | .150"-.180" | 15000 lbs | yellow at center |
Type XXVII | 1-23/32" | .085"-.110" | 6500 lbs | black at edges |
Type XXVIII | 2-1/4" | .085"-.110" | 8700 lbs |
MIL-W-5625: <5625k PDF>
(2 tube webbings up top)
A common tube webbing in which intended use is for parachute construction. 3/8" is "utilized for drogue chute shroud lines of a parachute deploying system." Also sold in rappelling section of REI stores. View pdf to see yarn markings / ID based on size.
Basic Specs:
3/8" | 0.090" | 950 lbs |
1/2" | 0.090" | 1000 lbs |
9/16" | 0.090" | 1500 lbs |
5/8" | 0.100" | 2250 lbs |
3/4" | 0.120" | 2300 lbs |
7/8" | 0.120" | 3100 lbs |
1" | 0.120" | 4000 lbs |