This is a simple and effective strap for your fancy camera or pair of biznocs. I'm a camera totn' dude, I mostly use it for that. To mount, the strap has 550 cord ends to go through the strap mounts. Since mounts are pretty slim on the cameras, I was thinking "good fucking luck!" at first, however was able to ram the cord on through with some poking effort. This is a security bonus since most straps have little ladders or triglides for mounting which can break or loosen.
If I remember correctly, I did have to undo the webbing out of the ladder lock to install on both camera mounts. Once on, the strap is pretty easy and intuitive to use. Just pull the slack to tighten OR pull down and away on the ladder lock to loosen. Thus the user can quickly get a tight fit for rapid business or a loose fit for more relaxed carry.