Dims:Approx 17" x 14" x 5"
I'm not sure of the exact name of this one, but is basically a military version of Watershed's civilian duffle designs. This one is a pretty nice general purpose size for keeping a set of clothes or a set of electronics nice and dry. Speaking of electronics, a sweet insert was included to offer the option to keep things padded and soft inside.
I'm not particularly familiar with maritime gear, but am quite impressed with the build quality. The main closure is an unique, yet intuitive in a zip-lock esq fashion. To open, rather than just pulling the pull tabs directly apart, a cross-bend is made. <Example> Due to this functionality the bag can take a serious ass whopping yet will still keep the closure seal. An example would be straight up standing on the bag even if air is still inside. This air tight capability gives nice options such as a potato-chip bag style protection effect, or when empty it can be rolled down and compressed. Although this particular pack doesn't have a valve it is still fairly easy to adjust the air amount inside. Quick examples of why you would want to do this would be to maximize air to make it a floatation device or to minimize air to dive with it. Matching ITW Nexus hardware is used for the compression straps and bonus D-rings are incorporated for tie-down points.
This Duffle looks and performs great, next time I have to do some wet adventures, I would be totally confident putting something sensitive/valuable like my HD camera inside. Check out the video from shotshow to see some of the Watershed design features in action: <Watershed VIDEO>