FIELD SUPPLIES Camelbak Chute 1L Bottle Camelbak field-00017 $15.00 NEW Designs added! MSM Logo, Pirateskull, and Don't Tread on Charcoal bottles.The new Camelbak Chute design is great for those who like to chug their liquids yet not make a mess. To further separate it from the Eddy Bottle we are offering this one in big boy 1Liter size. Some product highlights include: Angled spout provides an ergonomic drink... View
FIELD SUPPLIES Camelbak .75L Bottle Camelbak field-00006 $16.00 We've been a personal fan and users of the Camelbak Better Bottle series so finally got around to making a custom batch with MSM artwork. The eddy .75L version is easy to fit in one's hand and uses the quick and effective spill proof flip up bite valve. No more having to unscrew off a top every time you want a drink! BPA-Free yet very durable materials... View